Education Webinar: Time of Install Moisture Testing for Concrete Slabs

Thursday, May 15, 2025 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (CDT)


Join us Thursday, May 15, 11 AM / 12 PM ET for the education webinar, 'Time of Install Moisture Testing for Concrete Slabs', presented by David Daniels, Head of Sales North America, Tramex Meters. 

Installers, time of install moisture testing for concrete is a simple way to instantly identify high moisture in concrete slabs and prevent flooring failures. It is important to understand that moisture conditions in concrete can change and therefore it is critical to know the moisture conditions, especially the % of moisture content at the time and during a flooring installation. In this webinar, David Daniels review the difference between vapor moisture and liquid moisture in concrete slabs, how Dew Point affects concrete, and why the surface condition of a slab cannot be overlooked. Learn how to easily document your test data to protect you should any failure arise. Manufacturers are starting to require this in their installation instructions - be ready, equip yourself with the proper knowledge.

Presenter, David Daniels is the Head of Sales North America - Flooring Division at Tramex USA. David is a technical expert in his field providing training and support for accurate moisture testing in flooring installations. 

Tramex Meters is an international leader in the design and production of pin and pin-less moisture meters, scanners, relative humidity sensors and data logging systems. Tramex Meters has a reputation for the highest standards in quality and innovation - producing the best analog and digital moisture detectors for a range of industries and building material specific industries. 


Free for FCICA members; $39.95 for nonmembers. 

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FCICA - Flooring Contractors Association
(630) 672-3702
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Thursday, May 15, 2025 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (CDT)
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