MARCOM Safety Course: Silica Safety
Sunday, June 7, 2020 11:00 PM - Tuesday, June 30, 2020 10:00 PM (CDT)
MARCOM's Video On Demand (VOD) program on Silica Safety in Industrial and Construction Environments explains the hazards that are associated with silica dust, review the OSHA standards for industry and construction, and show employees what they can do to protect themselves from silica dust on the job. Silica dust can cause serious, even fatal, health problems for anyone who inhales it. And more than two million workers are exposed to this substance on the job every year. OSHA's Silica Safety Rule has established rigorous standards to protect them. Areas included in the program include the hazards of respirable crystalline silica, OSHA's Silica Safety Standards, exposure to silica dust in the workplace, silica dust exposure control plan, control systems, safe work practices and PPE, medical surveillance and recordkeeping and more.