FCICA Announces the Release of the Fall Issue of the Flooring Contractor Magazine
FCICA, the Flooring Contractors Association, is excited to announce the release of the Fall 2022 issue of the Flooring Contractor.
The theme for this issue is 'Safety in Flooring Covering Installation'. The publication includes informative feature articles contributed by FCICA members, platinum member product spotlights and more! Click here to view the publication.
Call for Submissions Winter 2022 Issue
Members are invited to submit editorial and ads for the WINTER issue, 'Floor Trends'
Take advantage of this member benefit to reach the flooring community - submit editorials, feature articles, project profiles or new product spotlights. The theme of the next digital issue of the Flooring Contractor Magazine (Vol 18 Issue 4, Winter) is 'Floor Trends'. Read the TFC Fall issue: 'Safety in Floor Covering Installation' for inspiration. Editorial options are:
- Feature Article: 600 - 1000 words, educational in nature or a case study related to the theme of the issue. Cannot be company branded. Must be accompanied by at least one high-resolution image.
- CIM Feature Article: 600 - 1000 words written by a CIM and related to theme of the issue; suggestion: a success story describing how the CIM education benefited the installation. Must be accompanied by at least one high-resolution image.
- New Products: 125 words max. with one image
- Project Profile: around 450 - 500 words with 1 image
- Product Spotlights: around 500 words with 1-2 images and/or logo
If you would like to include an editorial in the magazine, please enter your information in the editorial calendar linked below, or email catherinec@cmservices.com as soon as possible.
If you would like to advertise, please contact Jeff Golden at jgmediagroupllc@gmail.com or call (805) 870-5171.
Thank you for contributing to the Flooring Contractor magazine.
FCICA, the Floor Covering Installation Contractors Association, a nonprofit trade organization formed in 1982 and headquarted in Glen Ellyn, IL, is the resource for premier commercial flooring contractors. FCICA strives to promote the advancement and continuous development of Certified Installation Managers (CIM); provide technical education, business support and industry expert networking; and deliver skills and knowledge to enhance the professionalism of commercial flooring contractors. FCICA is an international association whose contractor members serve the continental U.S. plus Burma and Canada. For more information about FCICA visit www.fcica.com or contact us at (630)672-3702.
Additional Info
Media Contact : Catherine Church | info@fcica.com
Related Links : https://www.fcica.com/the-flooring-contractor-magazine/