FCICA Shares a Summary of the 2021 Annual Convention and Commercial Flooring Trade Show
FCICA is excited to share a summary of its successful 2021 Annual Convention and Commercial Flooring Trade Show, September 13 - 15, held in Austin, Texas.
Flooring industry professionals, commercial flooring contractors, distributors, manufacturers and consultants attended two full days featuring an inspirational opening keynote, a Trade Show, four education sessions, four product demonstrations, networking opportunities and committee meetings to move FCICA’s mission forward. The event provided FCICA members and commercial flooring professionals the opportunity to engage, learn and network, for the first time in-person since March 2020.
FCICA is pleased to share interest and attendance were strong, despite current health and travel barriers. 150 people registered to attend the event and 34 member companies exhibited at the Commercial Flooring Trade Show. Overall, the event went smoothly, the feedback was positive and attendees were very happy to reunite with their fellow flooring professionals.
Monday evening’s Welcome Reception kicked off the meeting. There, early attendees socialized and networked in the AT&T Hotel courtyard. Tuesday, the first full event day, opened with a hearty welcome from Board Chair Pat Kelly, Synergy Flooring. The Opening Keynote from Harold Chapman, Commercial Flooring Executive and Past President and CEO of Bonitz, followed with his timely presentation ‘Success in Challenging Times’ where he shared his perspective on current industry challenges, while focusing on opportunities for a successful future. RFMS, FCICA Associate Platinum member since 2010, was the Opening Keynote Sponsor, generously supporting the work of FCICA with a $5,000 sponsorship contribution. RFMS is a leading business management software provider to the flooring industry. Rahul Karadi, RFMS Client Success Manager, shared information about the company and introduced Mr. Chapman.
The keynote kick-off and opening remarks were followed by back-to-back business meetings, education sessions, product demonstrations from MAXXON and Bona US and the Commercial Flooring Trade Show. Throughout the day, volunteer association committees met, tasked with implementing FCICA’s strategic goals in support of its members. In between meetings and over lunch, attendees socialized and networked. Tuesday, Convention Day 1 schedule included:
- Opening Keynote Session: ‘Success in Challenging Times’, Keynote Presentation from Harold Chapman Commercial Flooring Executive and Past President and CEO of Bonitz, sponsored by RFMS.
- FCICA Business Meeting
- Education Session: ‘How do High Moisture Resistant Products Work in High Moisture Conditions and How Can They Still Fail with All the Claims Made?’ presented by Jeffrey Johnson, FCIS and Retail Business Marketing Manager, MAPEI Corporation
- Product Demonstrations from MAXXON and Bona US
- Commercial Flooring Trade Show
- Education Committee Meeting
- Membership Committee Meeting
- CIM Steering Committee Meeting
The Business Meeting highlight was the presentation of Honorary Lifetime Member to Mike Roberts, FCICA Board Vice Chair. Mr. Roberts, formerly Managing Partner at Bonitz Flooring Group, was given the designation in recognition of his distinguished service to FCICA.
The Commercial Flooring Trade Show featured 34 members exhibiting their products and services to attendees and fellow exhibitors alike. The four-hour Trade Show concluded with a happy hour followed by the themed dinner, ‘Keep Austin Weird’, in the spirit of the event host city.
Convention Day 2 opened with an exciting and informative presentation from Ron Nash, President of LATICRETE North America, 'What Went Wrong in 2021 and How are We Going to Move on From It?' Day 2 featured three education sessions, product demonstrations from ARDEX Americas and LATICRETE International, silent auction donation presentations, a Contractor Meeting and the Associate Committee meeting. Convention Day 2 schedule included:
- Educational Session: ‘What Went Wrong in 2021 and How are We Going to Move on From It?’ presented by Ron Nash, President of LATICRETE North America, LATICRETE International.
- Product Demonstrations from ARDEX Americas and LATICRETE International
- Educational Session: ‘Ceramic Tile in the Commercial Environment’ presented by Daniel Grant, CIM, Technical Field Representative, ARDEX Americas
- Educational Session: ‘Managing Customer Expectations for Polished Concrete Floors’ presented by Shane Jenkins, Senior Technical Coordinator, Schönox, HPS North America, Inc.
- Contractor Meeting and Silent Auction Product Presentations
- Associates Committee Meeting
- Unofficial Austin 6th Street Bar Crawl
Throughout the event, attendees had ample time to network and socialize. Many attendees expressed how happy they were to see each other again in an atmosphere of cooperation and camaraderie. The event ended with a celebratory Unofficial Austin 6th Street Bar Crawl.
On Thursday, the FCICA Board of Directors held its annual business meeting to discuss Association business and name new officers. Board Chair Pat Kelly, Synergy Flooring, thanked outgoing board members Sonny Callaham, Divergent Adhesives, Carson Cole, F L Crane and Sons and Paul Meberg, Consolidated Carpet and welcomed incoming board members Don Styka, Tarkett, Jesse Tranel, DCO Commercial Floors and John West, F L Crane and Sons.
FCICA is grateful to all the event attendees, presenters, exhibitors, silent auction donors, our keynote sponsor RFMS, donor Fishman Flooring Solutions and all the volunteer committee leaders who guide FCICA’s mission forward.
A special thank you to our Opening Keynote Speaker, Harold Chapman and education session presenters, Jeff Johnson, Ron Nash, Daniel Grant and Shane Jenkins for their informative presentations. Thank you for sharing your expertise and industry knowledge. Education is at the core of FCICA’s mission and Convention objectives.
Thank you also to the generous members who donated to the silent auction: ARDEX Americas, Bostik, Federated Insurance, LATICRETE International, MAPEI Corporation, Sunbelt Rentals, Taylor Adhesives and Wagner Meters. Their silent auction donations generated $10,625 to support the work of the Association.
Thank you to RFMS for being our Opening Keynote Sponsor and to Fishman Flooring Solutions for sponsoring the product demonstrations. FCICA also recognizes the support of its Platinum and Gold Sponsor members.
FCICA is looking forward to meeting again at the 40th Annual Convention and Commercial Flooring Trade Show, March 21-23, 2022 at the Beau Rivage Resort in Biloxi, MS.
FCICA’s events are produced to benefit its members. We welcome feedback about your experience. Please complete the event survey by clicking here.
Additional Info
Media Contact : Catherine Church | info@fcica.com
Related Links : https://www.fcica.com/annual-convention/