FCICA Shares the Theme and Educational Line Up for its Upcoming May Meeting
Educational Line Up Confirmed
FCICA is excited to share the theme for the May Virtual Meeting is 'Virtual Eye on the Horizon: a Look into the Future of Commercial Flooring'.
FCICA's second virtual venture, happening Tuesday - Wednesday, May 25 - 26, 2021, is 2 days of associate member and educational presentations, keynote speakers, networking and a virtual happy hour. Scott Humphrey, CEO, World Floor Covering Association, kicks off the meeting with his opening keynote address.
Attendance is FREE and open to all flooring professionals regardless of membership status. Advanced registration is required - register today!
FCICA is also exited to share the educational presentations are confirmed. They are:
Division 3 and Division 9: Bridging the Gap
Presented by Seth Pevarnik, ARDEX Americas and Jeff Johnson, MAPEI Corporation
Flooring by the Numbers
Presented by Mick Holly, CEO, Business by the Numbers
How to Partner with your Manufacturer
Presented by Don Styka, CIM, Tarkett
Installation Best Practices, Panel Discussion
Presented by Amy Johnston, CIM, Flooring Services, Inc. and Jesse Tranel, CIM, DCO Commercial Flooring
Recruiting and Retaining Installers
Presented by Mike Keller, CIM, Jack Laurie Group
Social Media Best Practices
Presented by Shannon Vogel, Owner, Reach Social
Register today to attend these informative educational sessions. Visit here to register and learn more about the program, schedule and participation details.
Are you a Certified Installation Manager (CIM)? FCICA events provide continuing education credit (CEU) toward your CIM renewal requirements. Visit www.fcica.com/CIM for more information.
FCICA, the Floor Covering Installation Contractors Association, a nonprofit organization formed in 1982 and headquartered in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, is the resource for premier commercial flooring contractors. FCICA promotes the advancement and continuous development of Certified Installation Managers (CIM); provides technical education, business support and industry expert networking and delivers skills and knowledge to enhance the professionalism of commercial flooring contractors. FCICA is an international association whose contractor members serve the continental United States, plus Burma and Canada. For more information about FCICA: visit our website www.fcica.com or call 630-672-3702.
Additional Info
Media Contact : Catherine Church | info@fcica.com
Related Links : https://www.fcica.com/may-virtual-meeting/